Hope for Cynics w/ Dr. Jamil Zaki
I had a great chat with Dr. Jamil Zaki about the need for "hopeful cynicism".
In his new book, Dr. Jamil Zaki defines hopeful skepticism as “the realization that people are often better than we expect.”
Imagine if everyone went around not so driven by their prior expectations based on what they know about their political status or whatever demographic? Imagine if we looked at each other with fresh eyes, “knowing that a lot of the information we’ve gotten so far— while compelling— is just not accurate"?
Dr. Zaki is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the director of the Stanford Social Neurosience Lab. Using tools from psychology and neuroscience, he and his colleagues examine how empathy works and how people can learn to empathize more effectively.
In this episode we take a deep dive into the content of his new book “Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness”. We discuss his idea of “hopeful skepticism” and how it’s different from naive optimism. According to Dr. Zaki, hopefully skepticism honors humanity’s strengths while confronting our weaknesses head-on. We also discuss “social shark attacks”, “tribal cynicism”, and “social savoring”. This is an important episode, especially in light of the rise of cynicism we are seeing all around the world right now.
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It’s easy to become cynical. For thousands years we have been trying and failing to fix human nature. The brightest minds of humanity, from Socrates and Jesus to so many others, including Maslow — all failed. None of it wax in vain, of course, we kept learning from each failure. But we are yet to crack the puzzle.
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." -- Ernest Hemingway
also him:
"How can you trust people? You trust them."
I guess we have to fake it till we make it. Keep treating people not according to what we think they are but according to how we want them to be. Trust them to make them trust-worthy, etc... And I would be doing so much more of it if it didn't make me so goddamn anxious! I don't even know why.